Monday, May 30, 2011

What a Vibrant Weekend...

My hubby and I had a fabulous 3 days off together!  All in all it was a relaxing break from the daily grind.  I think this photo sums it all up... peaceful, still, and soaking up some rays.  :)

In Saturday's blog I told you about hiking up this mountain...

...where we watched some kayakers down on the lake from our bird's eye view.

There was a lot of gorgeous mountain laurel blooming near the rock cliff.

On our way back down we saw a huge snapping turtle.  There was a boy scout leader there that was trying to see if he could get him to snap.  This snapper's legs were incredible, and he had a very peculiar tail.

When we made it back to the lake, my parents were there with a delicious picnic all ready for us!  Then after the great hike and lunch, I hit the lake in the kayak while the hubs kicked back and did some Hidato.  (Whatdya think... describe our personalities?)

If you look closely, you can see the rock cliff on the peak of the mountain.

We even stumbled upon this awesomely bright two-toned butterfly!!!

All in all, our day at the lake was terrific! I can't wait to go back!!

Tired yet?  That was just Saturday!

On Sunday, we met up with these super cool kids for some drive-in fun.

We showed up way early because we wanted to ensure a great spot... and we got one!

While we waited, I got these photos :)

We didn't get home until about 4!  So it goes without saying that we slept until noon. 

What a terrific holiday weekend!  I hope yours was great too! 
What adventures did you have??

Sleep well tonight and have a great Monday!


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