Thursday, April 28, 2011

A "Royal" Wedding - of sorts

On Saturday the 23rd a gorgeous "royal" wedding took place.  I know that the wedding that comes to mind this week when I say "Royal wedding" is that of Prince William and Kate Middleton.  As popular as their nuptials are, the wedding that I am referring to is that of my best friend, and to me, she is royalty. :)

I had the awesome privilege of standing next to Katie as she and Derek exchanged their vows.  All week long it had looked like rain and even the day of the big event, it looked like at any moment the sky would open and drench us all with the showers that are known to bring us beautiful spring flowers.  Thankfully showers were not meant to be - the sky parted and turned the bluest of blue. :-)  Katie and Derek were able to share their love in front of family and friends standing in front of a beautiful gazebo under the sparkling blue sky.  God is so good!!!

As is the wonderful tradition for wedding photos, I spent most of my day in front of the lens showing off my pearly whites.  However, I was able to sneak away for a little bit and relax behind the lens - my true home. :)

I'm excited to share with you all a few gems from their wedding weekend.  I hope these few shots portray the wonderful weekend that we all experienced with them. :)

Congratulations Katie and Derek! I pray that God will continue to bless you both in this new season of life! Cheers!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter... All things new...

I love spring. 

Spring is all about new life.  I love the way the Easter celebration falls during this time of rebirth and new life.  I look at the blooming flowers and the blossoms on the trees, and I can see the hands of our loving God tending carefully to the beautiful artwork around us. 

I am a very visual person.  Photography is amazing because it allows me to capture beauty the way my eyes see it.  I tend to see things up close and personal.  It's so amazing to me everytime I get behind my camera and use it to show others the way I see life through my eyes.  In some of the most mundane, usual aspects of life, I can see something unique and original... and my camera lets me show others what I see. 

I hope you enjoy the photos from this weekend.  God's artwork is amazing, and I always feel so blessed to be able to capture it. 

I love these lyrics by Matt Maher -
"Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling over death by death,
come away, come away,
come and rise up from the grave.

In strength you reign,
forever let your church proclaim
Christ IS risen from the dead."
"Christ is Risen" - by Matt Maher

Have a great day!!


Monday, April 18, 2011

There certainly is a SPRING in my step...

Spring has finally sprung!!!

Granted, it means more rain that most of us like and the occasional roll of thunder that can cause us to startle when it's unexpected.  It rained a lot yesterday... no, it poured.  And sure enough as I had hoped, the grass is getting greener!

Spring competes with Summer, Fall, and Winter to be my favorite month.  I really do have a tendency of being fickle with my "favorite season".  Maybe the problem is that I'm just really good at seeing all of the awesome parts of each season.  Or maybe I'm just fickle.  :) 

For a while now, Spring has been my favorite.  "A while", as in since last fall.  We were starting to plan our wedding, and I loved the idea of having a wedding during the season that all things new and vibrant begin.  The love of my life agreed with this - even though he was afraid that it would be a cold wedding.  It turned out to be in the 40's that day, and I'm sure if you asked anyone in our wedding party that had to stand outside for all of the pictures, they would tell you that it was a rather cold spring day.

Today, however, was a bit warmer.  I could happily wear flip flops and leave my fleece in the closet.

These are just a few of the treasures I captured on my Sunday afternoon stroll.  I love all three of these... and I hope you do too.  :-)

 I enjoy any chance to capture some blooming blossoms on a tree.  These were gorgeous... I wish this tree was right outside of my window. :)

Believe it or not, this white flower was a tiny wind blown bloom that was just lying in the grass.  I'm so happy I stopped to take a look... it is so beautiful and intricate!

I caught this tulip in the process of blooming.  I can't wait to see these vibrant petals come to life!

Take time to stop and smell whatever incredible flowers you pass by.  I bet you'll be glad you did. :)


PS - I'd be glad to hear what you think of the photos :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Takes my breath away...

I love photography because it allows me to portray feelings in such a deep and profound way - without ever saying a word.  I get really excited when I take a picture that captures my heart, a feeling, or my deepest thought.  On the rare occasion, I get a shot that portrays, or can portray with some editing, everything I think and feel.  When I get a shot that does this, it makes me so so excited, speechless, humble, and ecstatic - all at the same time.

Last night I spent some time working on one of these shots.  When I approached the landscape, before I ever even pulled the camera up to my face, I could see it through the lens.  I could see it on the screen and on the printouts - before I ever even captured it.  I have finally gotten to editing it, and I've already changed and saved it at least 4 times.  Each change I make creates another story, another feeling, another adventure.  And they are all as unique and as captivating as the first.

I'll let you sneak a peek at one of them... what does this one make you feel?

Take time to look at the stars tonight :)


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sweet Dreams...

I love to dream. 

You're probably envisioning the kind of dreaming one does cuddled up in a warm cozy blanket with a soft fluffy pillow.  Dreaming like that is nice... but it's not the kind of pastime that captures me and takes me to another place.  What I'm talking about happens to me when I'm thinking about creating... about photos I imagine capturing and then seek out in real life.  I'm sure often times during the day my husband finds me standing silently looking as if I'm caught in a trance, but really, the place I am caught is the place I want to make reality.

If I told you all of my dreams, I would certainly take all of the mystery out of who I am hoping to become. 

I hope and pray that my dreams will come to life.  It's this same way that I see the photos develop from images that once only existed in my mind.  :)


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A new name, a new start... and a new blog...

I've been adjusting to the wonderful day-to-day of the "married life", and I've been thinking about how I wish someone had told me (or warned me) about all of the things I am learning.  I decided (and as you will learn, 'I decided' is quite the catch phrase with me) that I would share my day to day adventures of this ordinary life with everyone that is need of a good laugh or is willing to learn from what I've been through.

Here is a toast to the beginning of blogging.

Gnight beautiful starry sky.